Saturday, March 21, 2009

Project Info

So, I need to expand my portfolio, and I want to work for White Wolf one day, so I'll kill two birds with one stone.

Over summer, I will work on doing pictures of everyone from Keith Grace's World of Darkness and Superheroes groups, (and if you have a DnD character from another group, I am willing to do that; I want to work for them too, and I won't make it in the industry just doing humanoids.)

I will need all the info by May 10th. I should be able to do about one a week.

I will need:
Body Type
Facial Hair/Tattoos/Piercings/Scars/Distinguishing Features
Breed/Creature Type
Hair/Eye Color
Any other info you think will be interesting or important.

If you would like your character in a scene, write one up as creatively and detailed as you can.

Donations will get your character done sooner.

Email all info to or write it out and give it to Froze or Keith.

Updates will be posted here, please comment regularly so I know how well I am capturing your character. I'll email you when you should check back specifically.